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DataFlex is an advanced object-oriented 4GL designed for developing database applications. The integration of a proven application framework and an easy to read language with databases enables you to quickly build reliable, high performance business applications. The same application framework is used in Visual DataFlex which providing a consistent business rules environment for Web, Windows, and character mode solutions.

DataFlex is also a completely portable development environment. Character mode applications can be developed for Windows, Linux and all leading UNIX systems. Code can be easily ported to any supported environment, typically with nothing more than a recompilation of the source code.

DataFlex 3.2 has plenty to offer, for both current DataFlex developers, and for anyone seeking a transportable, state-of-the-art system for building mission critical business applications.

Supported Environments


  • Linux
    DataFlex 3.2 for Linux leverages the power of the Linux OS with the advantages of Intel-based server hardware platforms to offer developers a true high-performance, low cost option to the more expensive Unix servers. 
  • UNIX
    For the most demanding IT environments, power-users have long relied on the stability and performance of DataFlex software running on Unix platforms. Supported systems include SCO UNIX, UnixWare, IBM AIX, HP/UX, and Sun Microsystems Solaris.
  • Windows Console Mode
    DataFlex 3.2 supports character mode application development for Windows Console Mode and MS-DOS environments. Supported environments under Windows Console Mode include Win98SE, WinNT and Win2000


DataFlex Benefits


  • High Performance Embedded Transactional Database
    DataFlex’s database is well known for speed, reliability and ease of administration. Hundreds of on-line users and millions of records are no challenge for this well proven DBMS.
  • Client/Server Options
    DataFlex supports the use of foreign database drivers for MS-SQL, IBM DB2 and ODBC under Windows Console Mode. DB2 is supported on Linux. Third Party vendors support other client/ server connectivity options including Oracle and MySQL.
  • Extended Support for Large Scale Applications
    DataFlex supports up to 4095 databases per application.