Location: Niedernhausen, in the middle of Germany, near Frankfurt am Main and Wiesbaden
Founded: 2000, before: Matthias Burkhardt EDV-Beratung
Relationship with Data Access Worldwide: German Channel partner for Dataflex since 2004, exclusively for Germany, Austria and Switzerland since 2005.
Contact information:
Phone: +49 6127 99 1 99 99
Fax: +49 32 12 123 59 79
Address: Germany, Ginsterweg 3, 65527 Niedernhausen
General information: As Channel Partner for Germany, Austria and Switzerland DATA PROJECT GmbH is the prime point for Data Access Europe and Worldwide when it comes to the distribution of DataFlex products and we are also the focal point for the developer community in our countries. In addition to regular eMail-newsletters, which we send to all DataFlex developers we inform those people, that are interested in DF, because of downloading or registrating DF personal about news, relating to the products from Data Access. Regular Drive-In-Workshops and also the exchange in the german DataFlex community bring new ideas for the own work and ensure a rapid response in problem solving to bring in our daily work.
We are responsible for distributing DataFlex, DataFlex Content Manager and DataFlex Reports for the 3 German speaking countries and we also coordinate user events and training for the products in these 3 areas.
Our company is a software development house which uses Dataflex as its primary application development system. Our main product IBIS is a complex but modular system, that is designed for using in social services. We manage inputs from A - such as medicines management, through K - such as kitchen control, via R - such as recipe management to Z - like conting management, based on DataFlex.
Plattformms: Runs fromWin2000, Windows XP, Vista & Windows 7, 8 & 10 and that on the following databases: DataFlex, P.SQL, IBM DB2, MS SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL und Oracle.